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Vietnam Customs HS Code List

Vietnam Customs Tariff 2021-22

Find complete Vietnam Customs HS Code List for your products. Discover latest updated Vietnam Customs Tariff 2021-22.

Section-01 Chapter (01 to 05) Section I - Live Animals; Animal Products
Chapter Chapter Description
Chapter-01 Harmonized System Code For Live Animals
Chapter-02 Harmonized System Code For Meat and Edible Meat Offal
Chapter-03 Harmonized System Code For Fish and Crustaceans, Molluscs and other Aquatic Invertebrates
Section-02 Chapter (06 to 14) Section II - Vegetable Products
Chapter Chapter Description
Chapter-04 Harmonized System Code For Live Trees and other Plants; Bulb, Roots and the Like; Cut Flowers and Ornamental Foliage
Chapter-05 Harmonized System Code For Vegetable seeds; Edible Vegetables and Certain Roots and Tubers
Chapter-06 Harmonized System Code For Edible Fruit and Nuts; Peel of Citrus Fruit or Melons

Frequantly Ask Questions ?

HS/HSN Code stands for Harmonised system of Nomenclature. HS Codes are used to classify different goods and products. Earlier, every country had its own system of goods classification. Those resulted in delayed shipments and were very costly. So, the HS Code System was developed by World’s Customs Organization in 1988 for identifying worldwide goods.

AHTN stands for ASEAN Harmonized Tariff Nomenclature. It is an eight digit code based on the Harmonized System of Nomenclature. It is used by all the members of ASEAN (The Association of Southeast Asian Nations) including Vietnam. AHTN’s first six digits are common as per WCO norms and last two digits are used for ASEAN purpose.

Vietnam is an important part of ASEAN Nations. It has its own set of Nomenclature for various goods of import and export. It consists of 8 digits based on AHTN system defined for ASEAN nations. It is easily accessible in both Vietnamese and English.

Vietnam Customs HS Code Nomenclature includes two appendixes – Appendix I and Appendix II:

Appendix I - It consists of Nomenclature of various goods for imports and exports.

Appendix II – It consists of generic rules & regulations describing the classification of goods as per Vietnam’s Nomenclature for Imports and Exports based on the Harmonized System of classification.

Vietnam Customs HS Code Nomenclature consists of 21 sections, 97 chapters, 1244 headings and 5244 subheadings.

HS Code is a unique classification system used by every country in the world. It significance lies in the fact that it supports global trading. It helps customs authorities in calculation accurate taxes on various goods of imports & exports. It eases the customs clearance process. Putting a wrong HSN code on your product could lead to wrong tax delayed Shipments, and wrong tax pay.

HS Code is 8-10 digit code consisting of sections, chapters, headings and subheadings. There are around 21 sections, 99 chapters, 1244 headings and 5244 sub headings. As per WCO rules & regulations, first six digits are common for every country whereas the last two digits are used by customs department of those countries.

Let us understand the structure of HS Code with an example-

Look at this HS Code- 16021000

  • Starting from beginning (16) represents chapter,
  • After that the next two digits (02) represents headings.
  • Further, the digits (10) indicate subheadings.
  • Lastly, the digits (00) represent Regional Tariff.

Our Vietnam Customs HS Code Finder makes your HS Code search quick and easy. All you need is to enter your product name and then click the search button. You will get your desired product HS Code.Also, you find product name for different HS Code using our HS Code Finder.

Let’s understand how to identify chapter, heading, and subheading in HS Code through the table given below!

Type Product Category HS Code
Section Prepared Food Stuffs; Beverages, Spirits, Tobacco
Chapter(22) Beverages, spirits and vinegar 22
Heading(09) Vinegar And Substitutes For Vinegar Obtained From Acetic Acid 2209
Subheading(00) Vinegar And Substitutes For 220900
Regional Tariff(90) Vinegar obtained From Acetic Acid 22090090

Hence, the HS Code for Vinegar is 22090090.

Yes, HS Codes differs per country. Each country has same set of first 6 digits and rests of digits are described by the customs authorities operating there.

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