Vietnam Import Data
17.9 M
Total Shipment
$ 143.63B
Total Import Value
Vietnam Buyers

Vietnam Export Data
44 M
Total Shipment
Total Export Value
Vietnam Buyers

Vietnam Trade Data

Vietnam Market Intelligence Platform

Vietnam Sourcing Platform is a market research company helping business make more informed decisions through our Sourcing Platform. Vietnam Market Intelligence Platform is a platform providing insights about the import-export markets and the demand from buyers all over the world.

DBG Vietnam is the top agency positioning itself as a bridge to connect businesses between different countries. Through Vietnam Market Intelligence Platform, DBG Vietnam is proud to be an Exclusive Agent of Exim in South East Asia.

We understand the pivotal role that accurate and up-to-date trade data plays in driving strategic decisions and maximizing business opportunities. With our extensive sources from all countries in the world, you get access to valuable information on imports, exports, market insights, competitor analysis and more to make right decision at right time.

Our Sourcing Platform mitigates the financial risks involved in the business by listing the genuine buyers and suppliers from Vietnam. These could be your potential clients. By acquiring a right knowledge of what is happening in the market, you can achieve your business goals.


Vietnam Export Import Analysis 2021

Vietnam Imports

  • Vietnam is the 18th largest global importer.
  • Vietnam’s Import Value was 408 Billion US Dollars in 2021.

Vietnam Exports

  • Vietnam is the 16th largest global exporter.
  • Vietnam’s Export Value was around 413 Billion US Dollars in 2021.

Vietnam Major Industries

  • Vietnam’s top 3 imports are Machinery, Electronic products and Phones.
  • Vietnam’s top 3 exports are Fabrics, Footwear, & Electronic products.

Vietnam’s top trading partners

  • China, South Korea and Japan are Vietnam's top 3 trading partners in terms of imports.
  • The US, China and South Korea are Vietnam's top 3 trading partners in terms of exports.

Vietnam Major Ports

  • Hanoi, Cat Lai, Ho Chi Minh and HaiPhong are the major sea ports of Vietnam.
  • The Port of Hanoi was responsible for the maximum imports and exports in 2021 (94.04 Billion USD).

Vietnam Top Companies

  • Samsung Electronics Vietnam was the top importer & exporter company of Vietnam in 2021.
  • Intel Products Vietnam was the second largest buyer and supplier company of Vietnam in 2021.

Why Choose Vietnam Sourcing Platfrom?


Accurate Analytics & Forecasting

We provide the accurate analytics and forecasts of Vietnam market that reduce finacial risks.


Competitor Analysis

We provide comprehesive analysis report for the competitors in the field of import-export in Vietnam.


Lead Generation

Our Sourcing platform provides the potential leads of suppliers and buyers who are in the import-export field from all countries.


Customized Reports

We provide the customized report for any information required from clients.


Free Sample Report

We provide free sample report for clients. You can access our free sample report library to choose any suitable one for your business.


Vietnam Sourcing Platform

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