Customs Vietnam Export Data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 48236900 to Us

Find the latest Customs Vietnam Export Data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 48236900 to Us. Get detailed insights into the shipment activities of top Abrasive sand paper phone suppliers from Vietnam. Get genuine suppliers from Vietnam and cut your production cost through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong brand value in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam exports to Us by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of unloading.

1/31/202448236900EHC8-W.24#&8oz Empress White Paper Hot Cup, 1000 pieces/carton, 100% new#&VNKING HONOR PAPER PRODUCTION CO., LTD132000Pieces2052.6USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900AB1005-6#&[KWA-0342] Cup 12oz Dieline Ripple Wall V3, KAHWA COFFEE,(PE Lined )-500/piece - PER MOCKUP/Printed paper cup, size 12oz (500 pieces/pack). No brand. 100% new product#&VNGO-PAK PAPER PRODUCTS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED101Box/Bag/Pack2412.89USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900AB1008-6#&[TBD] 16oz Single Wall PLA Cup_Eco Range (Auburn Supplies) (1000/piece)/Printed paper cups, size 16oz (1000 pieces/pack). No brand. 100% new product#&VNGO-PAK PAPER PRODUCTS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED100Box/Bag/Pack4235USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900EHC20-W.24#&20oz Empress White Paper Hot Cups, 500 pieces/carton, 100% new#&VNKING HONOR PAPER PRODUCTION CO., LTD75000Pieces2244USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900AB1002-5#&[TBD] 12oz Single Wall PLA Cup_Eco Range (AuburnSupplies)V6,- PER MOCKUP/Printed paper cups, size 12oz (1000 pieces/bale). No brand. 100% new product#&VNGO-PAK PAPER PRODUCTS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED103Box/Bag/Pack3740.96USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900Nissin paper bowl (NISSIN HOT & SPICY SHRIMP PAPER BOWL - CP-19632R7). 100% new product, made in Vietnam#&VNSUN PLASTIC PACKAGING COMPANY LIMITED331776Pieces21565.44USC CAI MEP TCIT (VT)
1/31/202448236900EHC10-W.24#&10oz Empress White Paper Hot Cup, 1000 pieces/carton, 100% new#&VNKING HONOR PAPER PRODUCTION CO., LTD150000Pieces2836.5USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900EHC10-P.24#&Paper Cups - 10oz Empress Good Day Paper Hot Cup, 1000 pieces/carton, 100% new #&VNKING HONOR PAPER PRODUCTION CO., LTD100000Pieces1941USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900NFT200.24#&Paper Tray - NOVA Food Tray PFAS Free 2 lb Red Plaid.1000 pieces/carton. 100% new product#&VNKING HONOR PAPER PRODUCTION CO., LTD399000Pieces4305.21USGEMALINK
1/31/202448236900EHC12-W.24#&12oz Empress White Paper Hot Cup, 1000 pieces/carton, 100% new#&VNKING HONOR PAPER PRODUCTION CO., LTD154000Pieces3160.08USGEMALINK

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