Customs Vietnam Export Data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 68091100 to Vietnam

Find the latest Customs Vietnam Export Data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 68091100 to Vietnam. Get detailed insights into the shipment activities of top Abrasive sand paper phone suppliers from Vietnam. Get genuine suppliers from Vietnam and cut your production cost through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong brand value in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam exports to Vietnam by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of unloading.

2/5/202468091100VINH TUONG-Gyproc Classic SE square edge standard plasterboard 9x300x600mm, unadorned and covered with paper, 100% new#&VNCông Ty TNHH Saint-Gobain Việt Nam25PCE25VietnamNA
1/13/202468091100-#&Fireproof plasterboard EI45, size 1200*2400*12mm. Paper background, 100% new item#&VNCONG TY TNHH COSTECH VIET NAM318Square Meters1422.85284VIETNAMNA
12/12/2023680911001200 x 600 gypsum board covered with paper sheet/pieceCONG TY TNHH TM-DV-XD TAI HUNG VINH7Plates82VIETNAMNA
12/12/2023680911001200 x 600 gypsum board covered with paper sheet/pieceCONG TY TNHH TM-DV-XD TAI HUNG VINH13Plates157VIETNAMNA
12/12/2023680911001200 x 600 gypsum board covered with paper sheet/pieceCONG TY TNHH TM-DV-XD TAI HUNG VINH7Plates82VIETNAMNA
12/12/2023680911001200 x 600 gypsum board covered with paper sheet/pieceCONG TY TNHH TM-DV-XD TAI HUNG VINH13Plates157VIETNAMNA
12/6/202368091100.#&Plaster 12.5 (gypsum board) on plain, unpatterned paper. New 100%CONG TY CO PHAN GIAI PHAP BACH DANG15Plates143VIETNAMNA
12/6/202368091100.#&Plaster 12.5 (gypsum board) on plain, unpatterned paper. New 100%CONG TY CO PHAN GIAI PHAP BACH DANG15Plates143VIETNAMNA
11/2/202368091100HTNA5#&Gymproc plasterboard covered on both sides with paper, 9mm thick, Vinh Tuong skeleton frame, 100% new#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN THUONG MAI VA XAY DUNG LAM GIANG695Square Meters5331.74115VIETNAMNA
11/2/202368091100HTNA1#&Plasterboard covered on both sides with 600*600mm paper, Hanoi skeleton. 100% new product#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN THUONG MAI VA XAY DUNG LAM GIANG658Square Meters4638.6039VIETNAMNA

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