Vietnam Export Data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 68149000

Find verified Vietnam export data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 68149000. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Abrasive sand paper under HS Code 68149000. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Abrasive sand paper export data under HS Code 68149000. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/29/202468149000Nametag 001#&BES_Food nametag holder, 6x10cm, made of mica plastic, to hold the paper consist of the name of foodJONES LANG LASALLE VIETNAM LTD40PCE39.82VIETNAMNA
3/28/202468149000A6 paper card made of anti-static mica, dimension: W117 x L159 x T9 mm, surrounded by green decals, 100% new product#&VNImarket Vietnam Company Limited10PCE18.245VietnamNA
3/28/202468149000Paper card V1 made of anti-static mica, dimension: W110 x L230 x T50 mm, surrounded by green decals, 100% new product#&VNImarket Vietnam Company Limited40PCE103.536VietnamNA
3/27/202468149000Mika rack for A4 paper. 100% new#&VNDUC THANH REFRIGERATION ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL JOINT STOCK COMPANY120PCE975.216VietnamNA
3/26/202468149000Mica box for paper bags, size L*W*H = 105*75*115 mm, 100% new #&VNImarket Vietnam Company Limited20PCE33.644VietnamNA
3/19/202468149000TB11#&A3 mica tray, size: (300 x 420)mm, used to hold A3 paper, 100% newCONG TY TNHH KY THUAT CONG NGHE PMT6PCE73.3794VIETNAMNA
3/16/202468149000A3 mica tray, size: (300 x 420)mm, used to hold A3 paper, 100% new#&VNPmt Technology Engineering Company Limited6PCE73.3794VietnamNA
3/16/202468149000A4 mica paper tray, stainless steel cylinder screw made in Taiwan, 100% new productCONG TY TNHH QUANG CAO VA THUONG MAI TAN CUONG2PCE11.8222VIETNAMNA
3/9/202468149000TH#&UV printed Mica hanging sign with chain size 500x250mmx5mm according to design without paper background, 100% newCONG TY TNHH XAY DUNG QUOC TE CHUANG XING2PCE35.1308VIETNAMNA
3/9/202468149000TH#&3-layer UV printed Mica status board, size 10cm, without paper backing, 100% newCONG TY TNHH XAY DUNG QUOC TE CHUANG XING30PCE85.785VIETNAMNA

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