Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73089099

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73089099. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73089099. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 73089099. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/31/202473089099The rack frame is made from 5mm thick black corrugated iron and 1mm thick stainless steel plate, size 2000x300x400 mm, 100% new product.CONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1PCE85.2967VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473089099The rack frame is made of 14t (14mm) thick black corrugated iron and 3t (3mm) thick U-shaped corrugated iron, size 1400 x 2200 x 500mm, 100% newCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1PCE161.557VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473089099Galvanized steel box, used as air pipe rack, size 20*20mm, 100% newCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1688KGM1234.6032VIETNAMNA
3/30/202473089099Heater rack, Material: Iron, Size: 30X65x7Cm Withstands load up to 100kg, 100% new productCONG TY TNHH CO DIEN LANH NINH HIEU6PR73.1412VIETNAMNA
3/30/202473089099Steel scaffolding rack, size 1060.5 x 1060.5 x 870mm, code RKSRO. 100% new product#&VNVIETNAM SCAFFOLDING COMPANY LIMITED18PCE1176.84USANA
3/30/202473089099Steel scaffolding rack, size 1060.5 x 1060.5 x 870mm, code RKSRO. 100% new product#&VNVIETNAM SCAFFOLDING COMPANY LIMITED19PCE1254.76USANA
3/30/202473089099.#&2-tier material rack L600xW400xH520mm, made of stainless steel, used in factories, 100% newCONG TY TNHH THIET BI TU DONG LI TUO VIET NAM10PCE1430.96VIETNAMNA
3/30/202473089099Steel scaffolding rack with steel mesh around it, size 1060.5 x 1060.5 x 870mm, code RKSRB. 100% new product#&VNVIETNAM SCAFFOLDING COMPANY LIMITED9PCE1055.97USANA
3/30/202473089099Steel scaffolding rack with steel mesh around it, size 1060.5 x 1060.5 x 870mm, code RKSRB. 100% new product#&VNVIETNAM SCAFFOLDING COMPANY LIMITED3PCE351.99USANA
3/30/202473089099Heater rack, Material: Iron, Size: 30X45x7Cm Withstands load up to 100kg, 100% new productCONG TY TNHH CO DIEN LANH NINH HIEU2PR12.1902VIETNAMNA

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