Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73181210

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73181210. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73181210. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 73181210. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/25/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 5mm, for wood (H50) 40MM CONFIRMAT BOLT, part of accessory set: R10503332 (actual quantity of 2: 0.0207 kgm)#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED6PCE0.18USANA
3/25/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 4mm, for wood (H30) 8-15X1/2 PN PL TY TS ZNC, part of accessory set: R10503332 (actual quantity of 2: 0.0116 kgm)#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED8PCE0.16USANA
3/25/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 2mm, for wood (H21) RTA UT BACK NAIL 016.14., part of accessory set: R10503332 (actual quantity of 2: 0.0117 kgm)#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED26PCE0.26USANA
3/14/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 2mm, for wood (H21) RTA UT BACK NAIL 016.14., part of accessory set: R10503332 (actual quantity of 2: 0.0117 kgm)#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED26PCE0.26USANA
3/14/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 5mm, for wood (H50) 40MM CONFIRMAT BOLT, part of accessory set: R10503332 (actual quantity of 2: 0.0207 kgm)#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED6PCE0.18USANA
3/14/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 4mm, for wood (H30) 8-15X1/2 PN PL TY TS ZNC, part of accessory set: R10503332 (actual quantity of 2: 0.0116 kgm)#&VNMILLENNIUM FURNITURE COMPANY LIMITED8PCE0.16USANA
1/31/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 3mm, for wood (G12) 8X11/4RD.WSR P/S PBS ZNC, part of accessory set number: 10020309-10020309-1 (TK 106012293700 dated January 9, 2024 , line 27 )CONG TY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE960Pieces9.216VIETNAMCTY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE
1/29/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 3mm, for wood (A7) 8-15 x 2 PH P/S PBS Zn, part of accessory set number: 01484-01484-1 (Account 105957676050 dated December 14/ 2023, line 1 ). Quantity of 2 TT: 0.0032kgCONG TY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE2Pieces0.04644VIETNAMCTY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE
1/29/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 3mm, for wood (A8) 8-18 x 5/8 PH P/S PBS Zn, part of accessory set number: 01484-01484-2 (Account 105993891730 dated February 2) January 2024, line 2 )CONG TY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE8Pieces0.1944VIETNAMCTY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE
1/29/202473181210Iron screw, threaded, outer diameter 3mm, for wood (A7) 8-15 x 2 PH P/S PBS Zn, part of accessory set number: 01484-01484-1 (TK 105993891730 dated January 2, 2019) 2024, line 1 )CONG TY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE8Pieces0.1856VIETNAMCTY TNHH MILLENNIUM FURNITURE

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