Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73182400

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73182400. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73182400. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 73182400. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/30/2024731824000106_0130#&IRON LATCH 6*20, made of iron, suitable accessory for furniture, 100% new#&VNCONG TY TNHH SAN XUAT THUONG MAI PHU PHUONG10000PCE151VIETNAMNA
3/27/2024731824001067417#&Stainless steel locating pin, semi-finished product, size 4.2, length 17.5 (mm), medical equipment accessory, 100% new#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN CO KHI CONG NGHIEP VIET NGUYEN160PCE137.12VIETNAMNA
3/27/2024731824001068120-3#&Stainless steel locating pin, semi-finished product, size 3.5, length 14(mm), medical equipment accessory, 100% new#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN CO KHI CONG NGHIEP VIET NGUYEN20PCE21.92VIETNAMNA
3/27/2024731824001003993-1-2#&Stainless steel locating pin, semi-finished product, size 1.94 length 9.5(mm), medical equipment accessory, 100% new#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN CO KHI CONG NGHIEP VIET NGUYEN242PCE50.3844VIETNAMNA
3/27/2024731824001069699-2#&Stainless steel locating pin, semi-finished product, size 1 length 10 (mm), medical equipment accessory, 100% new#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN CO KHI CONG NGHIEP VIET NGUYEN40PCE7.988VIETNAMNA
3/27/2024731824001002043#&Stainless steel locating pin, semi-finished product, size 8, length 29(mm), medical equipment accessory, 100% new#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN CO KHI CONG NGHIEP VIET NGUYEN250PCE247.55VIETNAMNA
3/26/202473182400URYU locating pin, 971-021-0, steel accessory for URYU UD-50 drilling machine, 100% new#&JPKIM PARK VINA COMPANY LIMITED2PCE1.6254VietnamNA
3/25/202473182400CC2023036917#&Steel traveling pin, mold accessory, used for molding plastic products, K/t(52.36*27.5*12.12)mm, threadless type. New 100%CONG TY TRACH NHIEM HUU HAN YOON IL VIET NAM2PCE150.9142VIETNAMNA
3/25/202473182400CC2023036920#&Steel mobile pin, mold accessory, used for molding plastic products, K/t(52.2*18.45*12.5)mm, threadless type. New 100%CONG TY TRACH NHIEM HUU HAN YOON IL VIET NAM2PCE150.9142VIETNAMNA
3/25/202473182400CC2023036924#&Steel traveling pin, mold accessory, used for molding plastic products, K/t(52.2*31.62*15.19)mm, threadless type. New 100%CONG TY TRACH NHIEM HUU HAN YOON IL VIET NAM2PCE192.2796VIETNAMNA

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