Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 83024139

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 83024139. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 83024139. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 83024139. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/27/202483024139Pipe rack L600 V40x40x3 (2 M10 suspension rods), pipe accessories of the exhaust gas treatment system. 100% new product#&VNVANTIC COMPANY LIMITED15SET274.095VietnamNA
3/20/202483024139H230 steel support leg (rack), size: 230mm high and 6mm diameter, used in construction. Goods made in Vietnam, 100% new.#&VNSBA IMPORT EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED8400PCE2233.56AustraliaNA
3/12/202483024139H230 steel support leg (rack), size: 230mm high and 6mm diameter, used in construction. Goods made in Vietnam, 100% new..#&VNSBA IMPORT EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED12600PCE3350.34AustraliaNA
3/12/202483024139H200 steel stand (rack), size: 200mm high and 5.5mm diameter, used in construction. Goods made in Vietnam, 100% new..#&VNSBA IMPORT EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED24000PCE4648.8AustraliaNA
2/29/202483024139H360 steel stand (rack), size: 360mm high and 6mm diameter, used in construction. Goods made in Vietnam, 100% new. #&VNSBA IMPORT EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED4800PCE1926.24AustraliaNA
2/29/202483024139H320 steel support leg (rack), size: 320mm high and 6mm diameter, used in construction. Goods made in Vietnam, 100% new. #&VNSBA IMPORT EXPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED6300PCE2308.95AustraliaNA
1/18/202483024139H230 steel support leg (rack), size: 230mm high and 6mm diameter, used in construction. Goods made in Vietnam, 100% new. #&VNSBA EXPORT IMPORT TRADING COMPANY LIMITED12150Pieces3313.305AUHO CHI MINH
11/21/202383024139.#&PP electrical cabinet rack, made of stainless steel, powder coated. 100% new product#&VNCONG TY CO PHAN GREENGROW VIET1Pieces1306.24092VIETNAMCONG TY GREENGROW VIET
11/15/202383024139-#&Pipe rack, made of steel, 100% new#&VNCONG TY TNHH GN CONSTRUCTION6Pieces29.8569VIETNAMCONG TY TNHH GN CONSTRUCTION
11/15/202383024139-#&Pipe rack, made of steel, 100% new#&VNCONG TY TNHH GN CONSTRUCTION4Pieces12.938VIETNAMCONG TY TNHH GN CONSTRUCTION

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