Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 83089010

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 83089010. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 83089010. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 83089010. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/1/202483089010Copper decorative bead connector (ceiling fan decorative accessory, size 2*10mm), 100% new#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED900PCE51.3USANA
3/1/202483089010Nickel decorative bead chain, 1 wooden knob at the end (ceiling fan decoration accessory, L = 0.3m, 100% new product)#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED1440PCE192.96USANA
3/1/202483089010Black decorative bead chain, 1 wooden knob attached to one end (ceiling fan decoration accessory, L = 0.3m, 100% new product)#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED900PCE120.6USANA
3/1/202483089010Copper decorative bead chain, 1 end is attached to a black alloy steel knob (ceiling fan decoration accessory, L = 0.3m), 100% new product#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED1440PCE1539.36USANA
3/1/202483089010Copper decorative bead chain, 1 end is attached to an alloy steel knob (ceiling fan decoration accessory, L = 0.13m, 100% new product)#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED180PCE55.62USANA
3/1/202483089010Copper decorative bead connector (ceiling fan decorative accessory, size 2*10mm), 100% new#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED1440PCE564.48USANA
3/1/202483089010Copper decorative bead connector (ceiling fan decorative accessory, size 2*10mm), 100% new#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED1080PCE61.56USANA
3/1/202483089010Plated copper decorative bead connector (ceiling fan decorative accessory, size 2*10mm), 100% new #&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED1440PCE82.08USANA
3/1/202483089010Copper decorative bead chain, 1 end is attached to a white alloy steel knob (ceiling fan decoration accessory, L = 0.3m), 100% new product#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED1260PCE1346.94USANA
3/1/202483089010Black decorative bead chain (ceiling fan decoration accessory, L = 0.3m, 100% new product)#&VNCUONG THANH IMPORT EXPORT SERVICE AND TRADING COMPANY LIMITED360PCE109.44USANA

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