Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84431700

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84431700. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84431700. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 84431700. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

10/30/202384431700CLMIN-1#&Industrial printer roller (accessory used in gravure printers) model: KD0613 (L79041), dimension: 1890*1000mm. Secondhand . Export and edit item number 2 of account: 105314276430 E13 on March 7, 2023#&SunVIETNAM KODI NEW MATERIAL COMPANY LIMITED4Pieces3231.31CNCUA KHAU HUU NGHI (LANG SON)
10/30/202384431700CLMIN-1#&Industrial printer roller (accessory used in gravure printers) model: L79846(KD0054B), Dimensions: 1890*1000mm, Used goods. Export and edit item number 12 of account: 105281762940 E13 on February 21, 2023#&SunVIETNAM KODI NEW MATERIAL COMPANY LIMITED4Pieces844.36CNCUA KHAU HUU NGHI (LANG SON)
5/5/202384431700CLMIN-1#&Industrial printer roller (accessory for gravure printer) model:4001681(KD1681), KT: 1000*1890mm, used goodsExport item 10 of tk: 105261122260 E13 dated 10.2. 2023#&CNVIETNAM KODI NEW MATERIAL COMPANY LIMITED4Pieces3233.64CNCUA KHAU HUU NGHI (LANG SON)

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