Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84433129

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84433129. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84433129. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 84433129. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

6/24/202384433129Laser printer SP5310DN, of T/ SS support terminal (3rd batch for 3 overhead stations) includes 6 printer cabinets. 100% New.- SS Assist Terminal Printer (3rd Batch for 3 ELV St) including 06 printer rack #&ENHITACHI CO., LTD., MAIN CONTRACTOR TH GT NO. 3 UNDER HCM CITY RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, LINE BT-ST (LINE 1)9Unit10494.44676JPCANG VICT
6/24/202384433129The SP5310DN Laser Printer of the SS Support Terminal (2nd Lot for 10 Overhead Stations), includes 10 printer cabinets. 100% New.- SS Assist Terminal Printer(2nd Batch for 10 ELV St),including 10 printer rack#&ENHITACHI CO., LTD., MAIN CONTRACTOR TH GT NO. 3 UNDER HCM CITY RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, LINE BT-ST (LINE 1)20Unit23320.9928JPCANG VICT
6/24/202384433129SP5310DN laser printer, of SS Support Terminal (1st Lot for 1 Overhead Station), including 1 printer cabinet. 100% New.- SS Assist Terminal Printer (1st Batch for 1 ELV St), including 1 Printer Rack#&ENHITACHI CO., LTD., MAIN CONTRACTOR TH GT NO. 3 UNDER HCM CITY RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION PROJECT, LINE BT-ST (LINE 1)2Unit2332.09928JPCANG VICT
6/22/202384433129M.MAYINMAU#&Bizhub C227i multifunction color copier (includes: DF-633 automatic master transfer and inverter, EM-907 memory expansion, Fax Kit accessory FK-513, iron stand (low)) , Serial number: ACM2041002719.CTY TNHH KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS VIET NAM1Set4457.52677VIETNAMCTY KONICA MINOLTA
6/22/202384433129M.MAYINMAU#&Bizhub C227i multifunction color copier (includes: DF-633 automatic master transfer and inverter, EM-907 memory expansion, Fax Kit accessory FK-513, iron stand (low)) , Serial number: ACM2041002719.CTY TNHH KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS VIET NAM1Set4457.52677VIETNAMCTY KONICA MINOLTA
6/22/202384433129Bizhub C227i color multifunction copier (includes: DF-633 automatic master transfer and inverter, EM-907 memory expansion, Fax Kit accessory FK-513, stand (low)), Serial number: ACM2041002719. 100% new#&CNKONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED1Set0VNKHO CTY KONICA MINOLTA
6/22/202384433129M.MAYINMAU#&Bizhub C227i multifunction color copier (includes: DF-633 automatic master transfer and inverter, EM-907 memory expansion, Fax Kit accessory FK-513, iron stand (low)) , Serial number: ACM2041002719.CTY TNHH KONICA MINOLTA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS VIET NAM1Set4457.52677VIETNAMCTY KONICA MINOLTA

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