Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84733090

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84733090. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 84733090. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 84733090. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/30/202484733090Single charging base accessory for MC330 barcode reader (PN: CRD-MC33-2SUCHG-01), from DH 2 of Account 104967366560 on September 14, 2022#&CNNORTHSTAR PRECISION LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (VIETNAM)5PCE363.85VietnamNA
3/30/202484733090Power supply accessory for MC330 barcode reader charging dock (PN: PWR-BGA12V50W0WW), AC input: (100-240V, 2.4A), DC output: (12V, 4.16A, 50W), from DH 3 of Account 104967366560 dated September 14, 2022#&SunNORTHSTAR PRECISION LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (VIETNAM)5PCE86.9VietnamNA
3/28/202484733090GH90-11976V#&Tablet accessory set GH90-11976V (user manual paper, user manual book, CT box)#&VNSR TECH COMPANY LIMITED3550PCE4568.85VietnamNA
3/28/20248473309090-NL5AP02S0#&Interface expander#Interface expander#Computer accessory, with multiple ports, to achieve multiple connections to external devices (no encryption function) Brand:Microsoft#1GK -00001.New 100%#&VNPEGATRON VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED724PCE91897.32VietnamNA
3/28/202484733090GH90-11976U#&Tablet accessory set GH90-11976U (user manual paper, user manual book, CT box)#&VNSR TECH COMPANY LIMITED6292PCE4602.598VietnamNA
3/28/20248473309090-NL5AP02S0#&Interface expander#Interface expander#Computer accessory, with multiple ports, to achieve multiple connections to external devices (no encryption function) Brand:Microsoft#1GK -00001.New 100%#&VNPEGATRON VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED976PCE123883.68VietnamNA
3/28/20248473309090-NL5AP02S0#&Interface expander#Interface expander#Computer accessory, with multiple ports, to achieve multiple connections to external devices (no encryption function) Brand:Microsoft#1GK -00001.New 100%#&VNPEGATRON VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED256PCE32494.08VietnamNA
3/28/20248473309090-NL5AP02S0#&Interface expander#Interface expander#Computer accessory, with multiple ports, to achieve multiple connections to external devices (no encryption function) Brand:Microsoft#1GK -00001.New 100%#&VNPEGATRON VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED76PCE9646.68VietnamNA
3/28/20248473309090-NL5AP02S0#&Interface expander#Interface expander#Computer accessory, with multiple ports, to achieve multiple connections to external devices (no encryption function) Brand:Microsoft#1GK -00001.New 100%#&VNPEGATRON VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED256PCE32494.08VietnamNA
3/28/20248473309090-NL5AP02S0#&Interface expander#Interface expander#Computer accessory, with multiple ports, to achieve multiple connections to external devices (no encryption function) Brand:Microsoft#1GK -00001.New 100%#&VNPEGATRON VIETNAM COMPANY LIMITED256PCE32494.08VietnamNA

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