Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 85299059

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 85299059. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 85299059. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 85299059. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

8/25/202385299059Electric projection screen (accessory for projectors) brand Dailite, Electric screen Dalite 150 Inch, 3.05m x 2.29m, (100% new product)#&CNTHE BRANCH OFFICE OF KDDI VIETNAM CORPORATION IN HO CHI MINH CITY1Pieces161.49596VNCN CTY KDDI VIET NAM TAI TP.HCM
8/25/202385299059Projector hanger 1.2 meter (accessory for projector)/ Projector hanger, (100% new product)#&VNTHE BRANCH OFFICE OF KDDI VIETNAM CORPORATION IN HO CHI MINH CITY1Pieces25.49936VNCN CTY KDDI VIET NAM TAI TP.HCM

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