Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 85444299

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 85444299. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 85444299. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 85444299. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/30/202485444299ACCESSORY SET (HDMI SIGNAL CABLE, WITH CONNECTOR) -BN96-00140D (including 1 Power Cord, 3 Cables, 6 User Manuals), 100% brand new#&KXDSEONG JI SAIGON COMPANY LIMITED185SET1360.675VietnamNA
3/27/202485444299ACCESSORY SET (HDMI SIGNAL CABLE, WITH CONNECTOR) -BN96-00139W (including 1 Power Cord, 3 Cables, 7 User Manual), 100% brand new#&KXDSEONG JI SAIGON COMPANY LIMITED240SET1814.376VietnamNA
3/27/202485444299ACCESSORY SET (OCM SIGNAL CABLE WITH CONNECTOR) -BN96-53786T (including 31 user manuals, 1 screw), 100% brand new#&KXDSEONG JI SAIGON COMPANY LIMITED2SET4.5892VietnamNA
3/27/202485444299ACCESSORY SET (HDMI SIGNAL CABLE, WITH CONNECTOR) -BN96-00139W (including 1 Power Cord, 3 Cables, 7 User Manual), 100% brand new#&KXDSEONG JI SAIGON COMPANY LIMITED587SET4437.6613VietnamNA
3/26/202485444299Network cable, Cat 5e, connector attached, PVC insulated, connecting the network system from the rack to the production machine, 100% new#&VNHL E&C COMPANY LIMITED100MTR81.27VietnamNA
3/26/202485444299Network cable, Cat 5e, connector attached, PVC insulated, connecting the network system from the rack to the production machine, 100% new#&VNHL E&C COMPANY LIMITED300MTR182.85VietnamNA
3/22/202485444299RZ240874-001#&Power cable with connector (accessory for industrial robots) CEZ1-1EJCSC141001-022. 100% new product.#&VNRORZE ROBOTECH LLC4SET3039.76ChinaNA
3/22/202485444299RZ240895-005#&Electrical cable with connector attached, 220V, 3.2M BMZ1-EYSP-FI-0820 (accessory of Magnetic disk stacking device)#&VNRORZE ROBOTECH LLC1PCE153.86JapanNA
3/16/202485444299RZ240833-011#&Power cable with connector attached, 220V (accessory of Magnetic disk stacker) HHSH-H4301-0#&VNRORZE ROBOTECH LLC1PCE12.01JapanNA
3/16/202485444299RZ240833-001#&Electrical cable, without connector, 220V, 1M (accessory of Magnetic disk stacking device) BEKV-4FS-TPCC5-B5COM#&VNRORZE ROBOTECH LLC1PCE12.28JapanNA

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