Customs Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 59100000 from China

Find the latest Customs Vietnam import data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 59100000 from China. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Vietnam. Get genuine buyers from Vietnam and increase your sales through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong market presence in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam imports from China by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

1/16/202459100000PU woven fabric conveyor belt for grinding machines, Manufacturer YONG LI, Size 4220mm*120mm, Year of manufacture 2023, 100% new productWEIHAI TELUNSEN ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD10Pieces419.12ChinaNA
1/16/202459100000PU woven fabric conveyor belt for grinding machines, Manufacturer YONG LI, Size 3550mm*120mm, Year of manufacture 2023, 100% new productWEIHAI TELUNSEN ELECTRONICS CO.,LTD20Pieces635.29ChinaNA
1/12/202459100000Conveyor belt used in production KQA01-B20-L1500-6-TA220-SCM-18-LT, length 1500mm, capacity 6W, wheel diameter 19.2mm, made of aluminum, replacement part for small engine production machines )[VB5123Z047]/A0626CONG TY TNHH KAP AUTOMATION1Pieces541.31638ChinaNA
12/5/202359100000Conveyor belt made of textile material, coated with PVC, unbranded, 34913MM long * 500MM wide * 2.0MM thick, used for grinding lines in factories, 100% newFOSHAN ZHAOSHUN TRADE CO.,LTD4Pieces352ChinaNA
12/5/202359100000Conveyor belt made of textile material, coated with PVC, unbranded, 34913MM long * 500MM wide * 2.0MM thick, used for grinding lines in factories, 100% newFOSHAN ZHAOSHUN TRADE CO.,LTD4Pieces352ChinaNA
5/31/202359100000Conveyor belt C7500LI,Material of cotton fabric reinforced with rubber,length 20m,NCC:Dongguan Liyan Abrasive Materials Co.,Ltd,100% newDONGGUAN YUHONG SUPPLY CHAIN CO.,LTD28Pieces202.6024ChinaNA

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