Latest Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 59119010

Access the latest Vietnam import data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS code 59119010. Track and monitor the buyers, competitors shipment activities based on Vietnam shipment data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 59119010. Analyze product demand, pricing and buyer’s buying behavior through our useful data insights and boost you sales in the Vietnam’s market.

12/11/202359119010Oshima M2300 grinding machine rotor felt gasket, 100% newZHEJIANG YONGTIAN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURED CO., LTD10Pieces4ChinaNA
12/11/202359119010Oshima M860 grinding machine rotor felt gasket, 100% newZHEJIANG YONGTIAN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURED CO., LTD50Pieces7ChinaNA
12/11/202359119010Oshima M860 grinding machine rotor felt gasket, 100% newZHEJIANG YONGTIAN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURED CO., LTD50Pieces7ChinaNA
12/11/202359119010Oshima M2300 grinding machine rotor felt gasket, 100% newZHEJIANG YONGTIAN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURED CO., LTD10Pieces1ChinaNA
12/11/202359119010Oshima M2300 grinding machine rotor felt gasket, 100% newZHEJIANG YONGTIAN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURED CO., LTD10Pieces4ChinaNA
12/11/202359119010Oshima M2300 grinding machine rotor felt gasket, 100% newZHEJIANG YONGTIAN MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL MANUFACTURED CO., LTD10Pieces1ChinaNA
10/25/202359119010Carpet pad, circular pad (Carpet pad. size: 180*25mm), used to cushion and line grinding wheels and equipment when the lid is assembled on the ceramic tile grinding machine (100% new).FOSHAN SOLEN TENTH SUPER HARD TOOLS CO.,LTD1000Pieces2000ChinaNA
10/25/202359119010Circular pad and pad (Nylon pad. size: 170*1.5*19mm C), used to pad the grinding wheel and equipment when the lid is attached to the ceramic tile grinder (100% new).FOSHAN SOLEN TENTH SUPER HARD TOOLS CO.,LTD2000Pieces2400ChinaNA
10/25/202359119010Woolen pad, size: 180*8mm, used to cushion and line the grinding wheel and equipment when the cover is attached to the ceramic tile grinding machine (100% new).FOSHAN SOLEN TENTH SUPER HARD TOOLS CO.,LTD1000Pieces1000ChinaNA
5/3/202359119010Woven spacer, size 200x300 mm, used for cushioning machines for grinding metal products, for technical purposes in motorcycle parts factories, type NC-16018-VP. New 100%YAMAHA MOTOR BIZ PARTNER CO.,LTD50Pieces282.1JapanNA

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