Customs Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 59119090 from Taiwan

Find the latest Customs Vietnam import data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 59119090 from Taiwan. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Vietnam. Get genuine buyers from Vietnam and increase your sales through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong market presence in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam imports from Taiwan by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

3/18/202459119090Product polishing cloth wheel (used to polish bicycle components), unbranded - Cloth Wheel 245D 14"*2-1/2"#120. New 100%YONGCHEN STEEL TRADE CO., LTD240PCE14880TaiwanNA
1/22/202459119090Polishing Cloth Wheel - Textile item for technical purposes (metal polishing), made from cotton fibers, round disc shape, diameter 25cm, 100% new, according to PTPL 11550/TB-TCHQ dated December 8 .2015STANDARD STAR INVESTMENT LIMITED1000Pieces4000TaiwanNA
1/16/202459119090Product polishing cloth wheel (used to polish bicycle components), unbranded - Cloth Wheel 245D 14"*2-1/2"#120. New 100%YONGCHEN STEEL TRADE CO., LTD240Pieces14880TaiwanNA
12/7/202359119090VT21#&Grinding machine company - textile products and items for technical purposes - 5E029 CLOTH OF SAND WHEELMARINE TOWN INC.15Pieces38TaiwanNA
12/7/202359119090VT21#&Grinding machine company - textile products and items for technical purposes - 5E029 CLOTH OF SAND WHEELMARINE TOWN INC.15Pieces38TaiwanNA
10/27/202359119090Dust filter mesh (fabric) used for bicycle frame paint spraying room system (material: fiber)Abrasive blade Filter gauze GP-300 (1.2M*20M)(=(600m)ASTRO TECH CO., LTD.30Pieces2606.6718TaiwanNA
8/11/202359119090Dust filter mesh (fabric) used for bicycle frame paint spraying room system (material: fiber)Abrasive blade Filter gauze GP-300 (1.2M*20M,=100M) (100% new)ASTRO TECH CO., LTD.5Pieces447.92835TaiwanNA
7/14/202359119090Abrasive blade Filter gauze GP-300 (1.2M*20M,=600M) (100% brand new)ASTRO TECH CO., LTD.30Pieces2721.9702TaiwanNA
7/14/202359119090Abrasive blade Filter gauze GP-300 (1.2M*20M,=600M) (100% brand new)ASTRO TECH CO., LTD.30Pieces2721.9702TaiwanNA
6/20/202359119090Product polishing cloth wheel (for polishing bicycle parts), unbranded - Cloth Wheel 245D 14"*2-1/2"#120. New 100%ZHEN YUAN TRADING CO., LTD.480Pieces29760TaiwanNA

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