Customs Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 68042200 from Italy

Find the latest Customs Vietnam import data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 68042200 from Italy. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Vietnam. Get genuine buyers from Vietnam and increase your sales through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong market presence in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam imports from Italy by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

3/6/202468042200Knife sharpening ring, made of agglomerated abrasive material. Product code: SR43. TRIMMING RING - Used for shoe leather cutting machine - 100% new productCOMELZ S.P.A20PCE644.154ItalyNA
3/1/202468042200Grinding stone made of agglomerated grinding material, diameter 6cm x 2cm, used to sharpen knives of automatic fabric spreading machines, 100% new.SINTEX INTERNATIONAL LIMITED.,2PCE316.72ItalyNA
2/27/202468042200Agglomerated stone polishing head, FRANKFURT ABRASIVE SECTOR MA GR.3/4 TT, size 105x100x50mm, is a part of sawn stone polishing machine. Manufacturer: ABRA IRIDE SPA, 100% new.ABRA IRIDE SPA36PCE117.0756ItalyNA
2/27/202468042200Agglomerated stone polishing head, FRANKFURT ABRASIVE SECTOR GR.400 AGL, size 105x100x50mm, is a part of sawn stone polishing machine. Manufacturer: ABRA IRIDE SPA, 100% new.ABRA IRIDE SPA36PCE111.4992ItalyNA
2/27/202468042200Agglomerated stone polishing head, FRANKFURT ABRASIVE SECTOR GR.600 AGL, size 105x100x50mm, is a part of sawn stone polishing machine. Manufacturer: ABRA IRIDE SPA, 100% new.ABRA IRIDE SPA36PCE111.4992ItalyNA
2/27/202468042200Agglomerated stone polishing head, FRANKFURT ABRASIVE SECTOR MA GR.400 TT, size 105x100x50mm, is a part of sawn stone polishing machine. Manufacturer: ABRA IRIDE SPA, 100% new.ABRA IRIDE SPA36PCE117.0756ItalyNA
2/27/202468042200Agglomerated stone polishing head, FRANKFURT ABRASIVE SECTOR MA GR.600 TT, size 105x100x50mm, is a part of sawn stone polishing machine. Manufacturer: ABRA IRIDE SPA, 100% new.ABRA IRIDE SPA36PCE128.2248ItalyNA
2/26/202468042200Abrasive roll 100, size 115mm x 10m (made of agglomerated abrasive material) brand 3M - 556100 100. 100% new productHOFFMANN SUPPLY CHAIN GMBH1ROL41.5538ItalyNA
2/19/202468042200Grinding stone installed on needle grinding machine - Grinding stone on alu plate, P/N: 00604623, used for textile fiber preparation machine. New 100%.GRAF + CIE AG1PCE143.5543ItalyNA
1/29/202468042200Grinding wheel of fabric spreader (0.05kg) - P/N: 894501771. Manufacturer: Gerber Technology. New 100%GERBER SCIENTIFIC INTERNATIONAL LTD.5Pieces133.59ItalyNA

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