Customs Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 84839099 from Italy

Find the latest Customs Vietnam import data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 84839099 from Italy. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Vietnam. Get genuine buyers from Vietnam and increase your sales through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong market presence in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam imports from Italy by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

3/29/202484839099612602720#&Reduction gear- 1St REDUCT WHEEL A35 Z47 FORO D17- Code: 612602720 - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A3PCE38.6526ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602496#&Reduction gear-1st REDUCT WHEEL C60 Z87- SAP code: 612602496 - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A9PCE215.2494ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612650384#&Reduction gear - 2nd REDUCT WHEEL F20 Z106 (612650384) - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A5PCE83.9965ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612650485#&Reducer shaft - 2nd REDUCT WHEEL F252 Z84 (612650485) - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A6PCE219.2046ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602618#&Reduction gear - 1st REDUCT WHEEL A41 Z96 *ANTIRETRO*, SAP Code: 612602618 - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A4PCE87.9212ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602461#&Reduction gear - 1st REDUCT WHEEL C 30 C30 Z80 (612602461) - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A240PCE2659.872ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602496#&Reduction gear-1st REDUCT WHEEL C60 Z87- SAP code: 612602496 - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A15PCE358.749ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602507#&Reduction gear - 1st REDUCT WHEEL C40 Z96 - SAP code: 612602507 - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A2PCE19.3846ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602461#&Reduction gear - 1st REDUCT WHEEL C 30 C30 Z80 (612602461) - 100% new productBONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A10PCE110.828ItalyNA
3/27/202484839099612602702#&Reduction gear - 1st REDUCT WHEEL A41 Z52 - SAP code: 612602702 (100% New)BONFIGLIOLI RIDUTTORI S.P.A5PCE145.1275ItalyNA

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