Customs Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 96039010 from Vietnam

Find the latest Customs Vietnam import data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 96039010 from Vietnam. Get in-depth insights into the shipment activities of top buyers from Vietnam. Get genuine buyers from Vietnam and increase your sales through our Vietnam database. Establish a strong market presence in Vietnam with the help of our data. Find Vietnam imports from Vietnam by HS Code, Quantity, Price, Importer name, Exporter name, and port of loading.

3/18/202496039010Cloth wheel, diameter 250mm, thickness 20mm - 30 plates of polishing machine accessories used to polish items in the factory. 100% new product#&VNOU MAI XIN COMPANY LIMITED1400PCE2682.4VIETNAMNA
2/22/202496039010Cloth wheel, diameter 250mm, thickness 20mm - 30 plates of polishing machine accessories used to polish items in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH OU MAI XIN800PCE1549.2VietnamNA
2/22/202496039010Cloth wheel, diameter 250mm, thickness 20mm - 30 plates of polishing machine accessories used to polish items in the factory. 100% new product#&VNOU MAI XIN COMPANY LIMITED800PCE1549.2VIETNAMNA
1/17/202496039010Cloth wheel, diameter 250mm, thickness 20mm - 30 plates of polishing machine accessories used to polish items in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH OU MAI XIN1200Pieces2312.892VietnamKHO CTY FREETREND
1/13/202496039010Polishing cloth wheel diameter 250mm polishing machine accessories used to polish factory items, 100% new productCONG TY TNHH MTV TMDV DAI PHAT100Pieces328.07VietnamCTY LEOCH SUPER POWER (VIET NAM)
12/15/202396039010200mm diameter cloth wheel, 20mm thickness - 20 polishing machine accessories plates used to polish items in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH OU MAI XIN600Pieces573VietnamKHO CTY FREETREND
12/15/202396039010Cloth wheel, diameter 250mm, thickness 20mm - 30 plates of polishing machine accessories used to polish items in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH OU MAI XIN800Pieces1561VietnamKHO CTY FREETREND
11/11/202396039010200mm diameter cloth wheel, 20mm thickness - 20 polishing machine accessories plates used to polish items in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH OU MAI XIN250Pieces238.44VietnamKHO CTY FREETREND
11/11/202396039010Cloth wheel, diameter 250mm, thickness 20mm - 30 plates of polishing machine accessories used to polish items in the factory. New 100%CONG TY TNHH OU MAI XIN900Pieces1754.091VietnamKHO CTY FREETREND
8/1/202396039010250mm diameter polishing cloth wheel is a polishing machine accessory used to polish items in the factory. 100% new product#&VNCONG TY TNHH MTV TMDV DAI PHAT50Pieces169.9955VietnamCTY LEOCH SUPER POWER (VIET NAM)

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