Customs Vietnam Import Data of Abrasive grinding wheel under HS Code 96039090 from Japan

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2/16/202496039090Grinding brush used to clean dust and rust on metal surfaces, size 15mm, material aluminum, plastic, 20pcs/lot, model NU057, 15mm, **20pcs/lot, maker Nihon Unit, 100% newTOKYO SANGYO MACHINERY SERVICES, INC.80PCE242.184JapanNA
2/16/202496039090Grinding brush used to clean dust and rust on metal surfaces, size 16mm, aluminum and plastic materials, 10pcs/lot, model NU051-2, **10pcs/lot, Maker Nihon Unit, 100% newTOKYO SANGYO MACHINERY SERVICES, INC.80PCE175.376JapanNA
2/16/202496039090Grinding brush used to clean dust and rust on metal surfaces, size 18mm, material aluminum, plastic, 10pcs/lot, model NU050-4, **10pcs/lot, maker Nihon Unit, 100% newTOKYO SANGYO MACHINERY SERVICES, INC.40PCE116.916JapanNA
2/15/202496039090A0900514#&Abrasive brush used for product edge grinding, size: PHI 510xL14xT21TKX CORPORATION50PCE16378.615JapanNA
2/5/202496039090Grinding brush used to clean dust and rust on metal surfaces, size 16mm, aluminum and plastic materials, 10pcs/lot, model NU051-2, **10pcs/lot, Maker Nihon Unit, 100% newTOKYO SANGYO MACHINERY SERVICES, INC.60PCE123.912JapanNA
2/5/202496039090Grinding brush used to clean dust and rust on metal surfaces, size 15mm, material aluminum, plastic, 20pcs/lot, model NU057, 15mm, **20pcs/lot, maker Nihon Unit, 100% newTOKYO SANGYO MACHINERY SERVICES, INC.40PCE119.78JapanNA
2/5/202496039090Grinding brush used to clean dust and rust on metal surfaces, size 18mm, material aluminum, plastic, 10pcs/lot, model NU050-4, **10pcs/lot, maker Nihon Unit, 100% newTOKYO SANGYO MACHINERY SERVICES, INC.40PCE115.648JapanNA
1/26/202496039090Product polishing tool - Radial Brislle Disc (273-6926) BR MGRT 80 50 50.8MM (5pce/set) (100% new, 3M JAPAN brand, accessory for metal surface polishing machine, with wheel, steel shaft f6.0x50.8mm)KAMOGAWA CO.,LTD20Pieces273.7088JapanHO CHI MINH
1/26/202496039090Product polishing tool - Stainless Wheel Brush W-491(332-4036)(100% new, NSK brand (NIHONSEIKO), factory tool for production)KAMOGAWA CO.,LTD5Pieces224.6415JapanHO CHI MINH
1/25/202496039090Burr brush, used to remove burrs on products, used for multi-function metal processing machines (drilling, cutting, boring, thread tapping, grinding) / FJSOK2306100, manufacturer: NIPPOM UNIT CORPORATION, 100% newOGINO KOGYO CO., LTD20Pieces398.5466JapanHA NOI

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