Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73249099

Find verified Vietnam export data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73249099. Enhance your production by importing quality materials from Vietnam. Find genuine suppliers from Vietnam with Vietnam shipment data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73249099. Reduce your financial risk with Vietnam Accessory rack export data under HS Code 73249099. Get detailed data with Product Description, Quantity, Price, Buyer Name, Supplier Name, Country of Destination and Port of Unloading.

3/23/202473249099304 stainless steel sink rack (A-L284V-1) (stainless steel, used to maintain equipment in the bathroom, piece/set). 100% new productCONG TY TNHH KY THUAT DICH VU NEW SUN VN20SET112.108VIETNAMNA
3/22/202473249099Two-tier hanging rack made of Q924V stainless steel, Caesar brand, 100% new #&VNPHUC THINH TRADING CONSTRUCTION DESIGN JOINT STOCK COMPANY12PCE189.12CambodiaNA
3/22/202473249099Hanging rack with T9RA steel screws (1 rack + 3 screws + 1 black washer, 3 spacers/set) for pots#&VNTOTO Vietnam Company Limited50SET70SingaporeNA
3/21/202473249099304 stainless steel sink rack (A-L284V-1) (stainless steel, used to maintain equipment in the bathroom, piece/set). 100% new product#&VNNEW SUN VIETNAM TECHNICAL SERVICES COMPANY LIMITED20SET112.108VietnamNA
3/1/202473249099Paper hanger base, unbranded, black zinc alloy, size 7.28*1.97*2.75 inches, toilet accessory. 100% new product#&VNDingxin Company Limited1872PCE2676.96USANA
2/29/202473249099Bucket rack, made of steel, 100% new#&VNMeinfa Joint Stock Company658PCE327.026FranceNA
1/31/202473249099Bucket rack, made of steel, 100% new#&VNMEINFA JOINT STOCK COMPANY661Pieces328.517FRCANG HAI PHONG
12/28/202373249099Iron storage rack, used for bathroom, Item: H507-751, QC: 30 x 24 x 40.75 (inch), no brand, 100% new.#&VNVEI MAY WOODEN APPLIANCES COMPANY LIMITED18Pieces5166USTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
12/28/202373249099Iron storage rack, used for bathroom, Item: H507-752, QC: 30 x 24 x 40.75 (inch) no brand, 100% new.#&VNVEI MAY WOODEN APPLIANCES COMPANY LIMITED5Pieces1435USTANCANG CAIMEP TVAI
12/25/202373249099Sink rack, made of cast iron type TL516GV (1 set includes 2 pieces with fixing screws)#&VNTOTO VIETNAM CO., LTD7Set119.91SGCANG XANH VIP

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