Vietnam Export Data of Accessory rack under HS Code 73

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3/31/202473089099The rack frame is made from 5mm thick black corrugated iron and 1mm thick stainless steel plate, size 2000x300x400 mm, 100% new product.CONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1PCE85.2967VIETNAMNA
3/31/2024732410101852620001-KT622#&Stainless steel sink set, including l/detachable accessories (screw set, faucet, drain rack, water tank, roll rack, drain basket, faucet hole cover) x /with cutting board.N/brand:allen+roth.Q/way:L33xW22xH9(inch)#&VNKITECH INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED (VN)290SET46953.378USANA
3/31/2024732410101852620001-KT622#&Stainless steel sink set, including disassembled parts (screw set, faucet, drain rack, water tank, roll rack, drain basket, faucet hole cover) including cutting board.N/brand:allen+roth.Q/size:L33xW22xH9(inch)#&VNKITECH INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED (VN)175SET28333.935USANA
3/31/202473089099The rack frame is made of 14t (14mm) thick black corrugated iron and 3t (3mm) thick U-shaped corrugated iron, size 1400 x 2200 x 500mm, 100% newCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1PCE161.557VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473269099OW-TL-UT-00002#&Door for Cylinder rack, screw SUMI3-11-0013 (1 set/20 kg)CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP QUANG NAM1SET1068.42VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473089099Galvanized steel box, used as air pipe rack, size 20*20mm, 100% newCONG TY TNHH GETECH VIET NAM1688KGM1234.6032VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473269099OW-TL-COVE-009#&Rack wall type 2 SUMI3-11-0175CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP QUANG NAM1SET996.77VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473269099OW-PL-TLS-034#&Finished goods rack blocking bar SUMI3-10-0161 (Type 3)CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP QUANG NAM1PCE22.755VIETNAMNA
3/31/202473144900OW-TLS-UT-Rack.mesh#&Safety net for warehouse rack PL SUMI3-10-0161 (Type 2) (1 piece/ 2 kg)CONG TY TNHH CONG NGHIEP QUANG NAM3PCE286.4688VIETNAMNA
3/31/2024732410101852620000-KT631#&Stainless steel sink set, including removable complete set (screw set, faucet, drain rack, drain bulb)N/brand:allen+roth.Q/way:L33xW22xH9(inch )#&VNKITECH INDUSTRIAL COMPANY LIMITED (VN)20SET2744.854USANA

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